Are you looking for the best games for families and kids? This post has some of our favorite family card and board games that we love!
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Like most kids, mine love playing board and card games! They are at an age where they’ve started outgrowing games like Candyland and Memory and have grown into more “big kid” games. It’s been fun to discover a bunch that we all enjoy playing!
The Best Games for Families and Kids
1.) Exploding Kittens – We love this game! My mom bought it for my kids for Easter and it’s so much fun!
2.) Clue – An old classic that we really like playing. It’s one of my personal faves!
3.) Battleship – I loved this one as a kid and my kids love it too! It’s a fun game that even a younger child can understand and play independently too.
4.) Taco vs Burrito – This is another new for us. It’s super easy and the kids think it’s very funny too!
5.) Hedbanz – We play this one all of the time. It’s one of their most grabbed games when we are heading to someone’s house!
6.) Guess Who?– This was my all-time favorite game as a kid. I was so glad when Santa brought the old school classic version for Christmas a few years ago! 😉
7.) Rock Paper Scissors – My son loves this one, so it was a great stocking stuffer!
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8.) Kids Against Maturity – My kids found this one *very* funny. FYI: Some of the cards were on the more inappropriate side for our taste so we just removed those from the deck. We still have plenty of funny cards to play with though!
9.) Tenzi – This dice game looks so fun! This bundle includes the party pack and 77 ways to play card deck!
10.) Ticket to Ride – Ticket to Ride is a game I am really hoping to get my kids into. I’ve heard so many great things about it! There are lots of different versions of it too!
11.) Don’t Step in It! – There is nothing, I mean NOTHING, funnier than having your mom step in fake dog poop. Ha!
12.) Super Mario UNO – There are so many different versions of UNO out there. My son happens to love Super Mario so this was a really great gift for him.
13.) Sequence – This is another one I have read great things about! It seems like it’s pretty fun and fast-paced!
I hope this gift guide for the best games for families and kids was helpful for you!

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