With two kids, ages 9 and 7, we’ve gone through many, many toys over the years. Today, I’m sharing my ultimate guide to the very best Christmas gifts for all ages! There’s truly something here for everyone and they’re all tried + true classics for a reason!
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I honestly don’t know where the last 10 years have gone. It seems like yesterday that I was just pregnant with my daughter, anxiously waiting for the last few months of my pregnancy to go by. It’s sometimes hard to remember the daily routine we went through when my kids were little, what we did all day at home, what we read and what we played with.
That’s why it was so fun to put together this post – I had a blast trying to remember all of their favorite and most loved toys! With the exception of 2 new-to-me items on this list of the very best Christmas gifts that I am absolutely certain mine would have loved when they were younger (can we go back in time, please?), all of these items are definitely tried, true and well-loved!
Games and Activities
Guess Who? – The Retro Guess Who? game was one that I loved when I was kid, which is why I was thrilled when Santa brought it for my kids! I have spent many, many hours over the last few years playing this game with my son and it’s still just as fun as when I was little.
Magna Tiles: These are one of the very best Christmas gifts for a reason! I love toys that let them have fun, be creative and use their minds all at the same time. Magna-Tiles are on the pricier side for sure, but they are virtually indestructible and my kids have more than gotten our monies worth out of them.
Fischer Price Laugh & Learn Home: My daughter got an older version of this toy when she was just turning 1 and she LOVED it. It was played with daily for quite a long time and then played with daily again when my son was old enough to use it. We actually still have this in our basement because it’s a classic toy that I want to hold on to.
Uno Attack: From the time they were old enough to learn how to play UNO, my kids have loved it. This version of UNO is extra fun with the attack element. My kids really like to play it and think it’s hilarious when mom gets the extra cards. 😉
Ice Cream Set: Play kitchen and pretend food – 2 items that got some of the most use in our house over the years. This ice cream set was so fun – I ordered many a pretend ice cream cone back in the day!
Melissa and Doug Market / Melissa and Doug Diner: These are the 2 new toys I was talking about above. I can say for sure, my kids would have 1,000% loved either one of these! We played restaurant and store for hundreds and hundreds of hours when they were little and these would have made it all the more fun!
Car Rug / Hot Wheels 50 Cars Set: My son was a car lover for many, many years. He made great use out of this mat + the Hot Wheels cars sets. We still literally have hundreds of cars and I will cherish the memories of them always!
Train Table: Before the car obsession, my son had a train obsession! I can clearly remember the look on his face when he came downstairs on his second birthday and saw the train table and trains all set up. So, so special and worth every penny. This was played with daily for such a long time!
Lincoln Logs: My mom had these at her house and my kids always looked forward to playing with them when they were over there. They are fun and educational and like the Magna Tiles, I love that they have to use their brains to play with them.
Woody Doll / Jessie Doll / Bullseye Doll / Buzz Doll: At age 3, my daughter fell in love with Toy Story and the whole gang. But she especially loved Jessie. Jessie went with us everywhere for such a long time!
Pet Vet / School Kit: My kids still love to play with these! The school kit is amazing and the pet vet is so much fun! My kids like to use their Beanie Boos to play vet with and they love bossing each other around playing teacher with the school kit.
Arts and Crafts
Water Doodle Mat: This water doodle mat is so fun for little ones and so easy for moms and dads – no mess to clean up!
Magna Doodle / Water Wow Notebook: Have a long road trip? These are fun to keep little ones busy in the car with absolutely no clean-up required!
Fashion Plates: My daughter still loves these Fashion Plates. My little aspiring fashion designer has spent hours drawing and coloring her designs. I loved playing with this too when I was her age – it’s a classic for a reason!
Play Dough / Kinectic Sand: Cold Michigan winters with 2 restless and energetic little kids at home? Play-Doh and Kinetic Sand to the rescue! We played with these SO much. They are perfect to keep kids busy! And trust me when I tell you – generic Kinetic Sand is awful to clean up – don’t buy it!
Sticker Sheets: Arts and crafts have always been a favorite in this house. Both kids loved these kits where you could design faces, food and houses. Endless hours of quiet fun!
There are a ton of toys to choose from in my ultimate guide to the very best Christmas gifts for all ages! Do you have a favorite childhood toy or one that your kids loved? Drop me a comment and let me know!
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